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Maritime shipping challenges affecting enterprise shippers

Enterprise shippers working within the maritime shipping industry face a plethora of challenges. In order to accommodate customer needs and efficiently run business, commercial giants such as Blackwater Freight have been able to formulate plans that would allow them to overcome these barriers. Let’s look at the Blackwater Freight’s approach.

Lack of Employees

The main problem in this industry is the lack of skilled employees. Finding talented, qualified and experienced crew members, ship operators, and logistics professionals needs to be very strenuous. By implementing effective recruitment and training schemes, Blackwater Freight has the best employees. Using the workforce as an investment in their company, they provide themselves with a trained group that can cope well with maritime shipping.

New Environmental Regulations

Such environmental regulation, like air pollution, stands greatly challenging compliance demands for enterprise shippers. Blackwater Freight understands the essence of maintaining good health and wellbeing of animals while reducing the environmental effect through promoting sustainability and proactively adopting aggressive measures to reduce its carbon footprint. We invest in environmentally-friendly technologies, maintain efficient vessels’ maintenance practices, and follow international regulations. Doing it all however is done with compliance and minimal footprints.

Cargo Loss

Cargo losses during transit is a serious issue facing those in the carrying business. The risk management used by Blackwater Freight is quite rigorous, and we include close inspections, reliable tracking systems, as well as a development of business partnership with companies that are trusted. With no risk of cargo loss, we reduce the probability of security issues by giving preference to safety with robust measures.

Rising Costs

The loss in finance for enterprise shippers is due to the changes that come with the fuel prices, port charges, as well as compliance rules. One of the key advantages of Blackwater Freight is to make use of their years and experience in the freight forwarding service industry by having the same result via cost reduction while maintaining quality.

Good leadership in the shipping industry is never constant but keeps changing over time based on several factors. Automation and digitization of technologies have overhauled the way shipping involves which improves the efficiency and organises procedures more economically. Moreover, sustainability has become a major concern while maintaining balanced organisational environmental performance and facing tougher regulations. We are one of these leading forces driven by technologies that level up its processes and operating ‘green’ outlined in the adopted international goals.

International trade has to rely on global shipping. All nations that are scattered across the globe have been interlinked through it and continue interacting today for every purpose one might imagine.

With increasing need for quality and delivery speed, shipping companies are under strong pressure to focus on service exemplarity and customer satisfaction. However, Blackwater Freight – a giant in the international shipping market knows very well that customers should remain at the centre stage of any operations to realise higher satisfaction levels. Knowing the special requirements of their clients, we are an established value-added partner that provides solutions that regularly surprise and delight all customers.

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